About Khalifa
I’m Khalifa Silima Kombo and I was born in Zanzibar and my family are Zanzibarian. I went to school in Zanzibar and I graduated from the College of Tourism in (you guessed it!)… Zanzibar.
That is where I was able to combine my passion for my hometown and tourism and gain the knowledge and skills required to be a leading tour guide.
About Hazara
And I’m Hazara Ali Kombo. I graduated from the College of Tourism too. I love meeting people from all different countries, cultures and whom speak all different languages.
What languages do we speak? We’re fluent in English, Spanish and Swahili, so hello, hola and jambo!
We’re an independent tour company trained by the best guides in Zanzibar and would love the opportunity to custom design a tour for you around our beautiful archipelago.